Thursday, February 14, 2008

Will you be my Valentine?

We are really excited when our customers get creative with Field Roast and even more so when we get to share their artistry with other FR fans! Kristina at the Whole Foods in Winter Park, FL sent me these pics of Celebration Roast "Little Nepoleans" as she called them. They are made with 2 thick slices of Celebration Roast cut into heart shapes, and sandwiched together with a tasty filling of roasted zucchini, peppers, and onions, skewered together with a fragrant sprig of fresh rosemary!

Cheers to Kristina and her team for spotlighting Field Roast! They have also been making a "vegan stew" that has been a big hit! This creation has sweet apples and mushrooms stewed together with "Cele Ro" and a mixture of roasted veggies.

I welcome any of you to send in pictures of your Field Roast creations to!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Kids Heart Field Roast!

Looking for something vegan and delicious to feed your child? How about Field Roast’s Apple Sage sausage? Don’t just take our word for it, take the kid’s!

Our Apple Sage sausage is one of the products tried and tested (and approved!) by kids as part of PCC’s Kids Pick Program. Products tested also include natural animal meat and dairy, so even if you child is not vegan, the statistics suggest they will love the taste of our product!

PCC (Puget Consumers Co-op) was started in 1953 by 15 families and is now the largest natural food cooperative in the United States. They have stringent standards for the products they carry, ensuring the highest quality and environmentally conscious production – produced with without synthetic chemicals, additives or genetically modified ingredients.

So you already know the food they carry is good for you and your kids, but now, with their kids pick list, it’s even easier to give your child good food that they will like!

Kids Picks are not measured on taste alone: all products sampled meet a criteria of fat content less than/ equal to 30% of total calories, saturated fat less than/ equal to 10% of total calories, and sugar content less than/ equal to 15 grams.

All products are flagged instore, but you can also peruse a complete list here and find out more about the Kids Picks program.

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