Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Puget Consumers Co-op Vendor Fair

Issaquah PCC Vendor Fair-
September 10th & 11th - 2011
Field Roast spent this past weekend just 20 minutes east of Seattle in lovely Issaquah as a guest at the Puget Consumers Co-op (PCC) Vendor Fair. We set up our table and canopy in the parking lot and handed out free samples of our 3 sausages: Italian, Mexican Chipotle and Apple Sage, - voted a PCC’s kidspick, and our newest addition to the family the Frankfurter dog! Thanks for stopping by and saying hi if you did, we love to hear from you. We had an ideal location, third stop on the right from the entrance, in excellent company between new and old friends. Our modest booth greeted many new fans, complete disbelievers and even some amazing Field Roast Evangelists. I love telling traditional omnivores that the meat they have in their mouth is completely vegetarian, comes from grains and doesn’t contain nitrates or cholesterol, like a sausage made from animal products.

Some people looked at me in extreme disbelief and wonder – can they trust this girl behind the delicious smelling sausage counter, cooking up the tasty meats? It smells and tastes like ‘real meat’, how can this all be true? I wish I had a hidden camera on all of the stocky sporting looking men who almost choked on their sausage, when I said “it’s completely vegetarian”. This could be my new most favorite part of the job!

Over the 2 day festive and sunny event - Jennifer and I demoed almost 50 pounds of our 3 top selling products. Everyone wanted to try our newest addition to the Field Roast family – The Frankfurter dog. The comments were interesting… one woman said “my childhood has just flashed before my eyes, I haven’t had this taste in my mouth since I was a little girl”. Funny how taste can trigger long lost emotion isn’t it? I know exactly what she meant. I haven’t had a hot dog in years.

My first day working here with the company, I walked in and said I must try the new Frankfurter – today! That night I took it home, grilled it up, put it on a bun with yellow mustard and took my first bite. It almost brought tears to my eyes because I could see my grandmother handing me a traditional hotdog as a child. So many years, even decades have passed since I’ve had this memory; happily triggered by my first taste of the new FR Frankfurter.

The Frankfurter is out in stores now and at Safeco Field if you happen to be at a baseball game in Seattle. Pick up a 6 pack of dogs at your local co-op or grocery store and let us hear your thoughts! We would love to post them on the blog so that others can share in this emotional experience. Go ahead and email us at



A hungry PCC employee knows what’s good for her!

For more info on this co-op visit:

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