Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thank You Very Much.....

So ends another Thanksgiving Season of making our Stuff Roasts here at Field Roast in Seattle.  Right now we are just finishing up packing some of our Chipotle Sausages and tomorrow many of us will be sharing a meal of Thanks with our family and friends.

We (Field Roast) give thanks to the farmers around Red Deer, Alberta who grow the wheat that we use to make our roasts.....

We give thanks to the elements of the Universe whose force and substance provides the foundation upon which ourselves and all of our foods are made from!  (that's certainly heavy well as primordial).  May the magic continue!

We give thanks to our customers whose patronage we never try to take for granted and whose loyalty we earn with the passing of every week.  You provide us with continuing work from which we sustain ourselves and our families.  Thank-you!

We give thanks to all of our vendors who provide us with the materials from which we make our foods, fuel the boiler that heats our steam ovens and pens and paper (computers!) that we need to make our business happen.

We give thanks to all the Shareholders and people who have believed in what we are doing and have supported Field Roast along the way.  People in the animal compassion world, Seattle people and our families and friends....

Finally, I'd like to personally give thanks to the people I work with every day, day in and day out.  People who arrive at Field Roast at 4am in the morning to start mixing our dough, making our roasts and those who remain into the evening ensuring that our foods are cooled and stored the people who label our foods, slice our meats and palletize our orders, to the people in the office who answer our phones, pay our bills and keep everything moving....

Thanks!  Hope you all have an enjoyable day tomorrow no matter what you have planned!


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Find your feast in the Freezer this year!

Hello Nation! I hope you are finding yourself cozy and if you are here in Seattle, that you haven't been stuck in the ice and snow on I-5!

We have heard from some customers this week that they are not finding Celebration Roast or our new Hazelnut En Croute Roast in their stores! Well I assure you that they are (in most cases) there! They are not in the refrigerator though, they are in the freezer. So if you are used to where Field Roast is, you may have missed it...and I hope you'll take a second look.

Also, if you get the Celebration Roast in the freezer it is good frozen for a year, refrigerated for 6 weeks. The Hazelnut En Croute is good frozen for a year as well, but in the frdge for only a week or two.

Happy Thanksgiving,
The Field Roast Folks

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Customer Recipe: THE BEST stuffed acorn squash

Thanks to a happy customer we can share this awesome recipe!

2 acorn squash (halved, cleaned of seeds and strings)
2 mexican chipotle links, diced
1/2 medium red onion, finely diced
1/2 cup diced white cheddar(or cheese of choice)
10-12 sage leaves, finely chopped
salt and pepper
tbsp melted butter

pre-heat oven to 400 degrees
place squash face down in shallow sauce pan in 1/4in water and bake for 30 minutes
while squash is baking, prepare the sausage, sage, onion, and cheese and toss together in a small bowl, set aside
remove squash from oven, turn over and brush with melted butter, sprinkle with salt and pepper
fill squash with mixture and place in broiler for an extra 5 minutes
serve immediately and enjoy!!