Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Product Spotlight: Stuffed Celebration Roast Freezer Box

Our Stuffed Celebration Roast is making its debut this winter across the country in its new box for the freezer. This 2 lb. roast has been around as long as the 1 lb. half roast has been, but not as widely distributed. After having much deliberation on the subject, we are excited about the new look developed by our fearless designer Greg.
Not only can it feed 8 folks, or leave some leftovers for a Gobbler Sandwich, the box gave us more room to tell new customers about how to cook it! Of course even without much prompting, the meat eater panel at Wall Street Journal last year still had to "gobble it up" and leave no crumbs behind.
Send your feedback! There are many changes that will also come to our Celebration Roast brand in the coming months including a new look for the logo! Have you ever stared at the line of Field Roast products on the shelf and wondered if we actually made the Celebration Roast or not?

Friday, August 21, 2009

Sausage Nation

Since all is fair in love and sausage, Field Roast takes the tested traditional method of sausage making and positively takes animal flesh out of the equation. I would venture to say that our manufaturing plant in Seattle is home of the only two vegan sausage linkers in the world, and it is proving to be quite a serious business.

We've added a second machine, a second shift and now can be found nationwide in all three flavors at your retail grocer. Italian, Mexican Chipotle & Smoked Apple Sage. There is a trend that has begun to blossom; the rise of sausage carts and gourmet sausage restaurants that use Field Roast Sausages exclusively and inclusively. Mojo Market, outside of Safeco Field, home of the Mariners, was one of the first. Along with our ties to Frankfurter at the Seattle Center...it was hit and [mostly] miss if you wanted a vegan dog on the street. But a start nonetheless.

Now there are sausage carts across the country and restaurants with sausages as the main event on the menu that carry Field Roast (though they are mostly on the west coast)! One of the best parts of being part of Field Roast is the fact that vegans, veggies and carnivores give us the thumbs up on our taste and texture. We are proud to be the veggie option at establishments that tout their artisan and quality sausage fare. It goes to show that honestly, vegetarian meats are not what they used to be. We think they will never be the same again.

If you are wondering why your local dog cart doesn't have a veggie option...ASK! Perhaps they think that everyone who is a would-be customer wouldn't like the option. Or that they don't think the sales gained would be all that impressive. Many vendors who have our sausages would attest to that being completely off base, and our growth shows it. So thanks to Munchen Haus, Wurstkutche, Showdogs, Let's Be Frank, Frjts Fries, Diggity Dog, Funhole, Underdog, Bark Hot dogs, Dante's Inferno Dogs & Top Dog...oh, and by the way what happened to Sausage Party in San Fran??

If you put Field Roast on a bun and sell them or buy them somewhere not listed, let me know so we can thank you too! As for the summer months...they are slippin' by mightly fast. Catch 'em before the grills sink back into the garage! Thank goodness for Octoberfest!

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Monday, August 03, 2009

Recipe: Smoked Tomato BBQ

Sausages, Smoked Tomato Field Roast on the Grill with Corn

On July 31st, our Field Roast family got together at a local park for some good ol' summer fun. We ate, played kickball, and even had a couple of pinatas for the kids. We have a great group of folks here at Field Roast, and it is always nice to see eachothers kids, spouses and loved ones all together, celebrating!
We, of course, do not serve animal meat at our common meals. And so for those who think that it is difficult to feed a group of 60 without a ground beef burger in sight, this blog is for you. We grilled our popular grain meat Sausages on the park provided grills, but we also wanted something on a burger bun.
In comes the Smoked Tomato Field Roast BBQ. You may remember back in the FR days of old when the BBQ Field Roast was an item you could buy from us directly. You would have to have been in the food service industry, but we still get phone calls and emails from time to time
asking about this sweet and tangy recipe. It is rediculously simple and so let us share the magic with you!
Get your favorite barbeque sauce, grill up some onions in it, and slather it on top of a slab of Smoked Tomato slices or Quarter loaf sliced (grilled or sauteed a bit first of course). You can even julienne it for a pulled meat type of feel, and mix it all together. Scrumdiddlyumptious.

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