First NOLA Veggie Fest, a hit!
On May 17, in the French Quarter, njoyed a day of scrumptious food, educational speakers, and entertainment. NOLA did a fabulous job representing Field Roast, and we’re so happy to have been included in the festivities. Members of The New Orleans Vegetarian Meetup Group were the primary volunteer organizers and volunteers for the Fest. Thank you to everyone who helped! All proceeds from this vegetarian festival went to The Humane Society of Louisiana, which is the local animal protection charity with a mission to promote veganism, and nonviolence and compassion for all creatures. According to The Humane Society of Louisiana, plans are already underway to expand the Fest to a 2-day, weekend long event in 2010. We wish them great success in the many years to come!
Labels: NOLA Veggie Fest, The Humane Society of Louisiana, The New Orleans Vegetarian Meetup Group, vegan food, vegetarian festival
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